4th february

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Разработанные логотипы

2 мая 2001

Synapse synchronous library

Powered by Synapse


The synchronous socket library. Synapse library aims to create complete library of classes and functions that would markedly simplify application programming of network communication using Winsock. Synapse developed by Lucas Gebauer (Czech Republic).

14 марта 2001

TDBF free component



TDBF is a freeware native data access component for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. It allow you to create very compact database programs which doesn't need any special installer programs. In fact the code to access your database is compiled in your project executable file. It take only a few kilobytes in your .exe file and doesn't need any other external files to run. TDBF developed by Pascal Ganaye (France).

Разработанные веб-сайты

Обновлено 13 марта 2002

Vasilenko Automotive автозапчасти для иномарок



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Июль 2001

tdbf.net веб-сайт компонента TDBF



TDBF is a freeware native data access component for Borland Delphi and C++Builder. It allow you to create very compact database programs which doesn't need any special installer programs. In fact the code to access your database is compiled in your project executable file. It take only a few kilobytes in your .exe file and doesn't need any other external files to run. TDBF developed by Pascal Ganaye (France).

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