4th february

English | Russian



VCL компоненты

CLX компоненты

Рисунки, Значки, Видео


Примеры программ


Статьи, примеры кода, советы



Welcome to home page of programming section

Thank you, that have visited my programming section. The given section is intended for informing of the users of my programming research with possibility of downloading. All materials, if not other is indicated, is absolutely freeware. Here there are materials, which will be interesting both for beginners, and for advanced programmers. On page are represented the learning materials, completed projects with sources, various graphics materials and much other. For more detailed information look in appropriate sections. Section always under construction, so if you find broken link, please report me.


11 фев 2002

Delphi | Графика
Добавлено Диалоговые картинки из Windows 2000, Office 2000 и IE.

30 янв 2002

Delphi | Примеры программ
Process Viewer 1.3

28 янв 2002

Delphi | Примеры кода
How to use drag'n'drop feature for accept files dropped from Explorer?

25 янв 2002

Delphi | VCL и CLX компоненты
4th GUI Library VCL Edition (v0.36) и CLX Edition (v0.02)



development in general

Under construction

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Delphi, Kylix и C++Builder     

Choose useful components for improving user interface of your application, look through ready solutions, find a necessary example of the code, get the answer to your problem, make best user interfaces of the application with large sorted collections of glyphs, icons, speed up your development.

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